Saturday, May 10, 2008

Time to Move???

So last night Brad went on a camp out with the ward. After some reluctance, and realizing I didn't have a choice, Brad left, and I was at home with the girls. Things were great. The girls and I had a slumber party, watched movies, slept together, stayed up late, etc. etc., until... (here's where you'd hear the Duh Duh Duh) I wake up at approximately 2:11 AM. to hear a lot of noise. Some yelling outside and such. So I peak outside my shades and there are two guys, clearly drunk, one smoking a cigarette yelling up at me, trying to get me to open the door and talk to them or something. So... I do what any woman would do, I panic. I call the police, and I can gratefully say they have a response of 6 minutes. Not too bad, but I was disappointed they didn't knock or call me back, just looked at my house and drove past. If I hadn't peaked outside at the second I did, I would have thought they never came at all. So then I hear a bunch of loud laughter and yelling in my garage area (I heard it through my closet), so I called our on-site security because I knew the police wouldn't go through our gates, but there is a small gate to the left of us that a lot of people leave open, safe, huh. So he went and checked it out. Amidst all this, I forgot to mention the huge pit in my stomach, the uncontrollable shivering/shaking from fear, and the crying as I called Brad's phone ten times. He finally answered, "I'm so scared." Is all i could get out at first. I explained, he said, "I'll be right there." So that gave me hope. Of course the rata-tat-tat on the door did not help me AT ALL, but I just prayed and shook and got out our rifle that was at the top of our closet debating on if I could actually ever even use it. The pit in my stomach was so large, it ached painfully.

These people outside (Not sure if they were the same or if they were my neighbors) my front door stayed out there for about an hour, just talking, laughing, and having a good time because, Shoot, what else is there to do at 3:00 AM? Besides wake up the neighbors and scare them to death? Holy freak!

So Brad came home to save me, just like a knight in shining armor. It took me another hour to relax, get the pit out of my stomach, and fall into a calm sleep... for three hours, but nonetheless. I was safe.

This morning the girls were all confused because Daddy was home, when he wasn't before, but they woke up all excited. Brad told them he had to go, and they begged him to go with him. And he said Yes! I was totally shocked but it just reinforces what an amazing husband I have.

Yesterday I went to Tori's school and got very anxious and worried about her schooling. Very unsure about the idea of her going there. The halls smelled of urine, and there was only one white child that I saw in the entire school. The security was non-existent, and when I felt good about it before I went to the school, I was left sick and unsure and lost. So the question arises, time to move?

I think we'll try to find some other alternatives for school for Tori, I'm looking into some private schools that aren't quite as expensive, to put her in just for one year.

And as for me and my 2:00 AM scare? Well, I think I might just have slumber parties at some friend's houses when Brad is gone. If Brad were there all night last night I wouldn't have worried one bit... okay, maybe one, but definitely not two bits. I truly feel safe with him there.

Sympathy comments are welcomed, anyone not sympathetic who feels like they need to tell me to stop worrying and get over it will promptly be deleted. Thanks!


Hammy said...

Sorry that happened. Next time feel free to sleep at our house. Maren would have loved it.

Anonymous said...

Holy CRUD!! That would make me pack up and move out! Good for you for sticking it out. I would have been a MESS for sure. Sorry that happened. :(

Jeni said...

Yikes! Welcome to Dallas, huh? There really are nice places & people in Texas. I would not appreciate such a situation either. Moving sounds tempting.


Sally Barrington said...

I say sleep at a friends house. That's what I do when Shawn's gone and I live in the safest place ever. I'm glad you didn't move. Good for you for not letting those punks dictated your life. p.s. Drunks bug me!! Grrrr!!! p.s.s. I'm not sure I like the idea of you trying to use a gun. Scary!!

Andi Sherwood said...

I'm surprised you knew where the gun was. Would you even know how to load it? I wouldn't. It can't be rocket science though, huh! :)

I'm sorry that was so scary. I would have been freaked out also. Why wasn't Nali barking at them? Because we have "Mac Attack" (one of our pet names - pun intended - for Mac), I sleep ok when Jason is out of town. If I didn't have Mac, I would be hosed. :)


Angel Brockbank said...

Brad took Nali :(... and she doesn't bark ever :(

Beverly Jensen said...

2100 days and nights -
Here's how I got there...
34 years wedded bliss
-6 years dad didn't travel much
-3 years serving a mission
=25 years Dad traveled (minimum)
+12 weeks a year
25 yr x 12 wk travel per year
=300 wk
300 wk x 7 days = 2100 days
2100 days equals lots of experience.