Tuesday, May 6, 2008


So I have to share my victory with ya'll :). Today Abbie stole one of Tori's prized possessions from her (her "fragile" clock drawer that goes to a clock Tori and grandma painted together). I explained calmly that it was Tori's and she needed to return it, so she threw it on the ground as hard and far as she could. As some of you know, I (and everyone else in the world) have been having a power struggle with Abbie. She got it in her head somehow that she is the boss. She doesn't listen to me when I tell her to hold my hand across the street or sit in your carseat, that type of thing, so I realized that I've just been too lenient. So after listening to James Dobson who wrote, "The strong willed child" I finally decided I needed to stick to my guns. So I told her to go to time out. Of course she wasn't about to do that alone. I realized that the time was now. So I taught her how to go to time out and sit down for three minutes. It took me 15 minutes to get her to sit for 3, but I did it, and she finally yielded. And I kept my cool the whole time and kept telling her I loved her and that it was important to know how to sit in time out and that we don't throw things. Anyway, this was a big victory for me because I felt like I had lost control of her, but I think the game is on, and I think she might just realize that she's not the boss. BTW, she's fast asleep now, eheh. And btw, she told me she loved me afterwards too so I think she won't hate me forever. Here is a picture of the Happy Abbie we all know.


Jeni said...

I remember drawing the line with Jesi when she was that age. It's a hard transition from baby to toddler. Anyhow, it took 3 hours to get her to sit in a time out willingly, but I finally won. I just have to say CONGRATULATIONS! Its' worth the fight! You did great!


Nicki said...

Awwwe, you're such a good mom!

Furthermore, my friend Kelsey Dean (at work) and I put together that we both knew you and Brad and she was going on and on about how much she misses you guys as Primary teachers in her ward. She kept saying how they never had teachers that could control a certain little guy, until you were his teachers, and since you left, he's been ridiculous once again. They REALLY miss you!

Emily Marie said...

She sounds a lot like my 3 yr old. It is hard when they want to be the boss. Time out doesn't work for mine anymore though... Maybe I need to get a better time out spot. They will always love you, even if you have to teach them something they don't like!

Morgan Family said...

Good job Angel. Way to be strong and keep your cool. We love you and miss you.

The Jensen Fam said...
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The Jensen Fam said...

Hi Angel! How are things in Texas? Megan went through a short phase of not listening to me and even raising her voice, but I just had to be strong and give her time outs and then she realized that I was boss and that getting time outs was no fun!! Needless to say, she knows to listen to me now if she wants to be happy! Hope you guys are doing well. Your girls are adorable!!

Esther Ogden said...

Way to be,Ang! You are such a sweet mom. President Monson really knew what he was talking about when he taught us to use gentle persuasion with our precious little ones. It gets us so much farther with them...and then the increase of love really hits it home! =)

Andi Sherwood said...

I'm proud of you, baby. Way to go. :)
