Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Father's Day Brad!!!

What do you get for a guy that has more clothes than his wife for Father's Day? Well, I did get him an awesome blue t-shirt that said, "I'm pretty much the best Dad in the World." That was good. I also bought him a new sweater that J Hilburn is coming out with in September. But we recently (this last week) bought a Wii ($100 off on Amazon for an open box unit, what a deal!) so I told him that was his Father's Day Gift this year. I think its a pretty good one we can all enjoy. I did want to just brag a little about how amazing Brad is as a Dad though. We were driving a lot today running errands and such, and he had a great talk with Victoria about her personal testimony of Christ and the church and how she needs to find out for herself, and we shared some personal experiences with her, and just had a great talk with her, and I just sat back in my chair and just kinda took a deep breath and a sigh of relief that I ended up with such an amazing man as my husband and Father of my children. I got a priesthood blessing when I was 17 that spoke about a lot of things in my life to come, including my future husband (patriarchal blessing). It said, "You will marry a man who has a strong testimony of the gospel." I was hoping for an exact description of him, maybe a name, hair/eye color, or something to tip me off, so that I'd know him when I found him... little did I know I already knew him, I just didn't realize it yet. But as I struggled with the little amount of information that I was given, I realized that that was all that mattered. If I could find a man who had a testimony of the gospel, everything else would come in that package as well. And its true. He has such a high patience level, and knows how to really help the girls when I can't. I hope his Father's Day is a memorable one. Happy Father's Day Brad!!!

Patience is a Virtue

We've been trying to teach the girls (Tori especially) about how important it is to be patient and wait until Mom and Dad are done talking with each other or on the phone before they ask us a question, because we constantly get the "MOM... mom... MOM Mom MOM mom.... MOM... mom..." You get the picture... so we had a good talk with Tori about this a few days ago and every day is a work in progress. Today we were all in the car waiting for her to get her shoes on and come out to come with us to go pick up a computer from a guy on Craigslist (we seriously got a mac today for $6.00, no joke) and Tori tells me this in such a matter of fact voice, "Mom, if I'm learning how to wait, you can too." I couldn't stop laughing. I thought it was a good point. So, I waited. ehehehe. Love that girl!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Just got a gorgeous pic of Abbie back from my favorite photographer, more to come!

Monday, June 15, 2009


While I'm working here at my desk and the girls are watching Barbie's Diamond Castle I hear this conversation:

Tori: Would you rather be a girl or a boy?
Abbie: A Girl
Abbie: Actually, half girl, half boy.

Where does she come up with this stuff? Really? Maybe I put too many bows in her hair she's getting tired of it, who knows. Thought that was funny though, typical of Abbie.

My Best Friend is Famous!!

My mom just called me this morning about an article she read in the Columbian about Holly (Sonners) Myers has her own reality show!!! I can't even believe it. Here is a preview for her show, starts on Friday. Anyway, at least I know someone who is famous now :)


Its Not Too Late!!! Father's Day Gift Cards- $40 Off!

It's not too late, I'll send your gift card right away and have it there before Father's Day. $40 off (new customers), and the prices start at only $79.00 (plus shipping/tax). That is seriously only $39.00 (plus shipping/tax) for a custom shirt!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Well, sorry I haven't been updating all that often lately, my camera ran out of batteries and we kinda lost the charger. One of these days I'll have to get to that. My days have been incredibly busy with work, kids home for summer break, work, and kids, and work. :) That's about it. I'm really having fun though. We went to Utah a week ago for Mark's wedding (Brad's little brother). It was such a great trip. My extremely kind and daring mom flew into town with my niece and nephew, Nia and Justis, and watched them and my girls while Brad and I took the weekend to go see them get married. We stayed at our old house in Pemberley where some of our best friend's, Justin and Stephanie Morgan now live. It seriously was a life changing trip. I learned a lot about myself, enjoyed being just with Brad, and was introduced to a lot of really cool stuff. Justin and Stephanie introduced me to this book called, "Remembering Wholeness" by Carol Tuttle. I had been struggling a ton lately, trying to figure out the purpose in wanting or trying for anything (for me it was to get pregnant) if the Lord has a plan and is going to do whatever he wants to do regardless of what you want him to do. So why even try? Just submit and like it. That was what I kept telling myself. And I was really having a hard time liking it. Five of my friends that were in Utah either just had or are about to have babies, and it was fun to hold the babies, but you know how much that sucks when you want one and can't have one. I found some peace reading this book on the way home though, and I can't say I'm good to go yet, I'm still working on it, but I'm definitely on a good path. I think its pretty amazing how many arguments you can have with yourself at one time, how many different feelings you can feel, while trying to sort it all out.

I do feel a direction the Lord is taking me though, and I'm excited, although life hasn't turned out exactly as I had planned it, frankly, I'm grateful. This path the Lord is taking me is actually a lot more exciting and fun than what I had planned. I guess growing up I was kind of taught, its babies and diapers, then dance and soccer, then cheerleading and football, then they're off and you're done with that part, then you retire and travel and serve missions, and life is over. I honestly never considered the thought that maybe there was more than just being a mom and a wife. I almost have to rewire my brain and teach myself to dream differently. Because all my dreams I've ever allowed myself to have have always been family oriented, get married, have four kids, go on vacations, help them to grow up and teach them all I know, they're off, Brad and I are back in honeymoon phase, and then we have grandkids and die. Every dream I had revolved around everyone else, and I would have been okay with that, really, but I kinda feel like I may have more purpose in this life than just being a mom. There may be people out there that really need something that I may be able to give them. I don't know exactly all that it will entail, but I feel like something big is coming, and I'm excited.

Brad was always a dreamer. He always has had high hopes and aspirations, and nothing was too big to dream of. I'm not sure why I was never like that, I always felt that dreaming like that is setting yourself up for disappointment or its just too prideful. But what if we allow ourselves to dream? If you don't, you're already destined to fail, so what do you have to lose? What if God wants us to have those things? He definitely doesn't want us to fail. Anyway, if you have some spare time, read "Remembering Wholeness" by Carol Tuttle. It has a lot of the same concepts of "The Secret" only she's got a lot more LDS perspective and a lot more in depth explanation, its not just "Think it and it will come", its more than that, and its about finding that inner peace. That's what I'm working on right now, is finding that inner peace, and finding a purpose in life, and a purpose to my trials. Anyway, have a great week, don't forget its Father's Day next Sunday!!!
