Saturday, June 20, 2009

Patience is a Virtue

We've been trying to teach the girls (Tori especially) about how important it is to be patient and wait until Mom and Dad are done talking with each other or on the phone before they ask us a question, because we constantly get the "MOM... mom... MOM Mom MOM mom.... MOM... mom..." You get the picture... so we had a good talk with Tori about this a few days ago and every day is a work in progress. Today we were all in the car waiting for her to get her shoes on and come out to come with us to go pick up a computer from a guy on Craigslist (we seriously got a mac today for $6.00, no joke) and Tori tells me this in such a matter of fact voice, "Mom, if I'm learning how to wait, you can too." I couldn't stop laughing. I thought it was a good point. So, I waited. ehehehe. Love that girl!