Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurricane yIKEs!!!!

So I've received some concerned phone calls in the last few days from those who love me and are worried about me dying. No need to fear, I live in Dallas, not Houston. I did however, want to gripe a little, because that's what blogs are for nowadays, right? You wanna know what my husband is doing during this storm? He left me. Yep, he left me to go CAMPING! Can you believe that. I'm still in shock. He is camping out into the middle of nowhere where I'm sure there will be tornadoes because this weekend was a scout campout, and it was scheduled, and we'd hate for something to come up... like say, a hurricane, to get in the way of a boyscout campout. Seriously. What the heck is he thinking? I don't know. Maybe I'm just annoying and he's finding an excuse to leave? You would think that 7 boys ages 11-14 would be much more annoying than a wife. But No. I'm here, alone, with my two girls, braving the storm that will be coming my way. Yeah. I know. Poor me. As far as the Hurricane goes, I think when it hits us it'll be a pretty fun wind/rain storm. I don't think we'll be walking to the park, we might lose power, who knows, but I think we'll just enjoy the storm from indoors, hopefully we'll have TV because what in the world would I do without that during a storm? And there will probably be tornadoes, but I've heard that most tornadoes don't come into the city. My mom said she'd pay me some amount if it came within what 10 miles of us? Was that right mom? Its a hard call to decide if I'd prefer the money or the tornado right now. Its a toss-up. Anyway, no need to call me to say our last goodbyes, I think we'll make it through this one. At least the girls and I will. :)


Jeni said...

The storm is definitely a doozy! My brother Brian lives on Galveston Island and so they had to evacuate. Another brother, Tyler, lives in College Station where the school was shut down and so both of them and their families are with my parents right now. I am sooo wanting to be there with them! We'd LOVE to be there with you guys as well! Sure miss ya!


Beverly Jensen said...

I think it was either $100 or a new bathing suit. It has to be a real tornado that shows up on CNN.