Sunday, June 15, 2008

Day 9 of Potty Training My Cat

Okay, so I thought this would be hard, but this is the easiest potty training I have ever done! Who says Dogs are smarter than cats? I am on Day 9: She has been going every time into the toilet in her little dish with very little kitty litter. The next step? Taking away the kitty litter and putting water into the dish... We'll see how that goes. So far its been a breeze. I thought I'd include pictures just so you can get the idea :) And she is bringing me the bag of treats now so I can give her one every time she goes. What a cat?! And by the way, this is a picture of her on the toilet, not actually going... I'll get one of those later when I can catch her in the act :)


Jeni said...

YEA!!! Smart cat! Congrats!


Bradley Dean said...

This is really cool and all, but I just have to say..."If you come to our house and the casserole is in a Square White Dish (about the size that would fit into a toilet bowl) with little ivy designs painted on the sides... You might rethink dinner with us :)
Keep on Smiling

Esther Ogden said...

I am seriously in awe! How cool that you could do that with an animal! By the wat, I LOVE your shower curtain, sis! =)

Laurel said...

That is amazing. Seriously. I am laughing out loud at work! :)

And I LOVE the "moments of fame" pics below. You and your girls are all so cute!