Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Well Folks...It's Finally Time...No Angel is NOT Pregnant, but I know that all you girls thought it for half a second. (With the exception of Andi, cause she's here in Texas with us today)

I (Bradley Dean) am announcing my very own super-sized BLOG! It is dedicated to everyone who has ever had (or ever will have) a bad day. It will lift you up in a myriad of ways, with general funny observations about life and thoughts that stir up in my 5th grader mind... like how do they make Jello Wiggly and stuff?

So... Feel free to add my Blog to your list of Friendly Bloggers and enjoy... if you ever have a suggestion please let me know. Anything we can do to generate a smile.

-Bradley Dean-



Esther Ogden said...

Yay! I am putting it on our blog right now! Can't wait to read it everyday! Love you, Bradley Dean!
