Sunday, August 19, 2007

Will the Obsession Stop?

So I went up to Provo on Friday morning (very early) to do some business in the area and to my horror, I realized I forgot ALL of my makeup! Can you believe that?! I couldn't go two days without having my makeup, so I came up with a solution. Why don't I just go get my makeup done at Nordstrom, I'll buy one thing, and have it done for the day and do the same thing the next day. Good idea, right? Wrong. I went to the I.D. Bare Escentials counter and although the lady was so nice, she couldn't do my makeup. I don't know if I'm just really picky, or perhaps my face is hard to do, or if I'm just dang good at doing my own makeup? But I ended up spending WAY too much to buy a bunch of makeup to do it myself. Brad's argument was, you already have makeup, why are you buying more? And although I completely see his point, I have purchased new makeup almost every other month lately, but the last bunch I did was kinda a scam, E.L.F. had this great sale and was supposed to be a new Nordstrom brand, but after I spent almost $50, buying all new makeup, I found out it was a cheap K-Mart brand and it just clogs my pores. So... I had to buy new make up... again. So my question is, first of all, does anyone else share in this makeup obsession or am I just weird or vain? And, do you think the obsession will ever end? I'm thinking that once I finally find the best of every part of makeup (Mac eyeshadow, I.D. eye liner and foundation, Mary Kay mascara, etc.) that maybe I will be content to buy my favorites instead of having to buy a new line of makeup every few months. Anyway, I thought this was a funny story, maybe its boring. You tell me :)


Andi Sherwood said...

To be honest, which you know I will be :), you are somewhat obsessive about it. However, to each their own.

To avoid the problem that you faced, I actually put a bare minimum set of makeup in my car. I keep it in a makeup bag in the glove compartment. I have eyeshadow, powder, blush, lipgloss, eyeliner, mascara, eyelash curler, and tweezers. You may question my decision on the last two items. They were actually add-ons because I found myself continually wishing that I had them whenever I put my makeup on in the car. When Jason is driving and I am putting on my makeup, I find there is ample time to tweeze my eyebrows too, so why not be efficient with my time?! Anyway, that is my advice to avoid the same problem in the future... unless you actually need new makeup (or want some) and need an excuse to buy some more. In that case, don't forget to pull your spare OUT of the car before you leave. :)

Your wise sister,

Andi :)

Beverly Jensen said...

I will be honest too! You wear makeup too often. It does seem like you're a little obsessed by it. You're not even 30 yet so enjoy how good you look with a little mascara and lip gloss. Everyone will like you just as much or even more because you look happy in your own skin!
P.S. You don't have to buy all new makeup, although I like everything to match...I seriously cannot ever think of a time I used up all of a certain eyeshadow or lipstick.