Thursday, August 16, 2007

What in the world is a tag?

Last four blogs tagged:

Ferguson Authors - Danyelle Ferguson
Lifelong Bookworm
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
What fun would life be if it wasn't changing every day?

What were you doing ten years ago?
Wow, I was barely 16. I was dating my sweetheart! Brad and I went to our first dance together, and we were just getting to know each other. How fun. That makes me feel a little bit younger considering ten years ago I was just barely dating and Andi was married still :) Let's see, I had my cat Noelle, and Muffin, and I think we had Toby. I was a Sophomore I believe. Man, that was a long time ago. I was in Dance Team and Jazz Choir.

I am breaking convention and adding a question here...
Ten years ago, what did you expect to be doing today?
Ten years ago, I had expected to be married for 8 years :) (Only 6) and have 4-5 kids (only two, ages 3 and almost 5). I expected to live in a really nice big house and have nice cars and go on vacations every year (because that is what married people do, right?) And be a stay at home mom, which I am :) And to have a bachelor's degree (not gonna happen) for some odd reason because I'd never probably use it, but I was determined to get it.

What were you doing one year ago?
One year ago I think Brad and I were freaking out about trying to find another job after leaving another dead end job. Trying to decide if we should sell the home or not, and what life was going to bring us next.

Five Snacks You Enjoy:
Sour Patch Kids
Jamba Juice

Five Songs you know all the lyrics to:
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Twinkle Little Star
I Can Love You Like That
When You Say Nothing At All
I Will Love You (Fisher)

Things you would do if you were a Millionaire:
Pay off my House
Have Bradley (my husband) retire and be with me all the time
Travel the World
Serve Missions
Setup a Mission and College Fund for my kids and grandkids
Go To Beauty School Just to have the skill
Have a massage therapist come to my house every day.

Five Bad Habits:
Eating Sugar too much
Skipping meals
Going to bed too late
Checking my email like an addict
Sitting on the computer way too much

Five things you like to do:
Check my email
Check the mail
Play with my kids, go to the park, or just for a drive
Watch Movies

Five Things you will never wear again:
Plazo Pants
Fluffy shirts (like the pirate look)
Stirup pants

Five Favorite Toys:
My Cat

Where will you be in ten years?
I hope that I'll have four kids total, at least one boy. They will all be in school, hallelujia. Tori will be almost fifteen, holy cow. I hope to be looking like I'm 25 :) I hope that I will have traveled to Italy, Brasil, and definitely been on a few cruises.

I don't know anyone else that has a blog besides who Andi put on her list and what the heck is tagging?


Andi Sherwood said...

Good job, baby. :) Tagging apparently is a huge blog game. It's like a virtual game of tag - someone lists you on their blog site (usually one that you visit often) and you see your name/blog - that means you have been tagged. Then you have to answer the questions and tag other people. There are multiple tag games going around with different themes so this may not be the only time you will get tagged. :)