Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Here's a good one for you

First of all, I always try to have pictures on my blog posts, but here's one I purposely did not include.

It all started out like a normal day. I woke up early, around 6:30, got ready, got Tori off to school, and started work. Things were going great until *sniff sniff* something STINKS! And it smells like Poop! From here on out I will use the term Caca. I believe that is Spanish for Poop, and since we're here in TEXAS, I think that's appropriate. I'm doing this to soften the disgusting nature of the following...

SOOOooooo... as I was saying, I smelled Caca, and it wasn't pleasant. I figured it was the cat doing her business in the kitty litter, as her caca always smells quite strongly and nasty, so I went to go clean the kitty litter. It was empty, and the smell was still there. So i sighed and looked all over the bathroom and closet floor, trying to find the source of the disgusting smell. I looked all over going in circles trying to find it, but to no avail.

I was pretty perplexed, trying to use my sniffer to figure out the location, but the whole bathroom smelled nasty, so it was hard to figure out what area it was coming from. Finally, as I was leaving the bathroom, I noticed some liquid on the floor right next to our little trashcan that we had by the door. I thought it was odd that there was liquid on the floor so I opened up the lid (one of those step on cans). All I saw in the shadow of the lid was a dirty diaper with dark around it.

Now I thought to myself, the last time a friend was here with a baby that had diapers was probably around 3 weeks ago. Now granted I'm sure this stinks, I'm positive that the source of this caca smell is not from this diaper, as that has been there for 3 weeks without me knowing. So I closed it and kept looking, but looked back at it and tried to figure out why there was liquid coming out of the bottom of the garbage can, which had no liner in it because we never used it... so I thought.

So I decided to empty the miniature garbage can into the large garbage can and that's where the fun began...

I'm going to spare you from all the gory details of what it looked like and smelled and leave that to your imagination, I'll tell you how it happened.

Abbie enjoys scooping the cat caca from the kitty litter with the scoop every time she goes caca. She has told me that she has either put it in the toilet and flushed it or put it in the garbage can. Well, I assumed the garbage can she meant was the one RIGHT NEXT to the kitty litter that had a garbage bag in it. Apparently for the last 3 weeks, she has been putting the cat caca into this miniature garbage can, with no liner...

So what about the liquid you ask? I was perplexed as well. The conversation went like this:

"Abbie, did you go potty in the garbage can?"
"NO, I did not."
"Abbie, are you sure you didn't go potty in the garbage can?"
"Nope, I didn't."
"Abbie, did you spray the water bottle in the garbage can?"
"Abbie, I promise you, I won't be mad, and you won't get in trouble if you did go potty in the garbage can, did you?"
(Abbie pauses, looks deep in my eyes to see if I'm telling the truth)
"I was just kidding, I did go potty in the garbage can."

So let me explain. My wonderful daughter Abigail who is the most adorable child in the world, seems to think its a good idea to go #1 in the garbage can. I don't know why, I don't know HOW, but she does. She started at my Mother's house last April for some really odd reason, and admitted it a few weeks later and continued to do this about once a week in my little garbage can. And I had thought she had quit doing that after a few months. Well, apparently NOT, because there was PLENTY of #1 in that garbage can to make a nice outhouse out of it to greet me this morning with all of its glory.

So i think this was 3 weeks worth of #1 from Abbie and #2 from the cat, and trust me, it was worse than ANY outhouse you have EVER been in. Especially since I got so up close and personal while I cleaned it out. It soaked in bleach in the tub after a good rinsing and I put my hands in the bleached water to bleach my hands, and then I've scrubbed them about 8 times now thoroughly, and somehow, my hands, still have a hint of outhouse on them. Definitely by far, wins the most disgusting mess I've ever cleaned up award.

There's a good laugh at my expense for you :)


Tara said...

Yeah, that's pretty nasty! I've had a few of those types of moments in my house as well, and I always think "I didn't sign up for this"!!

Jeni said...

Yuck! Here's hoping that you do not have to clean a mess like that again! Good thing Abbie so adorable or it might have been more irritating than it already was. :)

nAnnie Laurie said...

oh my - i think we all have some type of 'caca' event in the lives of our kids -- one of mine liked to dig theirs out of the diaper and play 'finger paints' on the wall and the crib!! I will never divulge which one of my 5 kids did this one, so don't even ask :~) I TRULY FEEL FOR YOU! perfume, anyone??

Angel Brockbank said...

Nannyogden- The sad thing is as most of my family and friends know, I went through that with Tori for about 9 months as well. All over the walls, the floor, herself, everything, in two different homes. It was horrible... but not as bad as this was today.

Esther Ogden said...

I'm not laughing. I'm throwing up in my mouth.

I cannot even imagine!

=( luuuhhhgggg!

But Abbie really is the cutest little bug in Texas!


Hammy said...

Eww! Mom's have to do some pretty disgusting things, don't they?

The Original TomKat said...

But she's so cute!

Olivia Heilmann said...

That is the funniest, most disgusting thing I have heard in a LONG time!!!! :) GROSS!