Thursday, September 25, 2008

Adorable Abbie

So Abbie has gained this new Independence with preparing her own food. It could be the fact that I refuse to cook for her every 20 minutes (no joke, she really asks me that often) and that I work during the day on the computer and can't just get up all the time to cook her food, but she has come to the realization that she truly CAN COOK! So Tori helped her yesterday afternoon make her own Mac N Cheese in the microwave. It turned out great and she was so proud of herself she wouldn't even share with her sister. But when Tori made her own, Abbie asked for more and Tori was reluctant but after some gentle guidance (the golden rule) Tori gave her some. Well, some wasn't enough and Abbie wanted more. So she decided to make her own, again. Well this time Tori didn't help her. I was behind my computer when I heard some popping noises in the microwave. I of course got up quickly, ran to the microwave, and found a sippy cup without a lid full of dry macaroni. Abbie was waiting to the side of the microwave ready for her magical mac n cheese to come out perfect and was quite disappointed with the smoke and burned popcorn smell that still radiates our home 18 hours later. It even melted the cup! You can't help but laugh and give her a big hug at her attempt to cook for herself. Adorable Abbie.


Jeni said...

How cute! SHE CAN DO IT HERSELF! right? The macoroni looks delish! ;)

BTW, I had the same smeel problem from something that burned in our microwave and found that cooking a cup of half water and half vinegar (or lemon juice) for a few minutes and then wiping down the microwave helped a lot. I had to repeat the process a few times but it really did help.

Lots of Love,

Olivia Heilmann said...

What a sweetie!! Good for her. And good for you for letting her learn. I need to do that more. :)

Esther Ogden said...

Ha ha, that is so cute! You have to love that independence! =)

Brady said...

I remember that one of the first things I learned to cook was a poached egg in the microwave. I always blew it up in the microwave, but my parents had taught me not to give up, so I never did. Our microwave has little egglets on its walls as we speak because I can't cook it right.

Miss you guys, and I hope that all is going well, and that you are livin large . . . Texas style.

Derick and Becky said...

Oh I can only imagine what that smelled like! At least she was trying, right?!