Sunday, August 24, 2008

She's got it good.

So I was just sitting here daydreaming in my own little world about Tori starting school tomorrow as I'm preparing her school bag and her school lunch money and all that when I had this thought, "Man, She's got it good." The reason I thought that is because she gets to go to Kindergarten and play games and read books all day, and her lunch only costs $1.50! You know, I think her lunch would probably cost less if there were another child in her class paying for school lunch, but I think almost all of them get it free. i think the school rate of free lunch is 85%! So anyway, I was just thinking how nice it would be to have someone make my lunch and have it only cost $1.50. Granted I could get a 5-piece chicken nugget at Wendy's for only $1.00, but she gets an entree and 3 sides and a dessert! I'm jealous! Anyway, so the thought crossed my mind, "Wouldn't that be funny if she gained like ten pounds in a month from eating school lunch, maybe I'm starving my poor child at home!" I'll let you all know how it goes. And for those of you who never found out, she is going to Public School, so we'll see how it goes. Pray for her!!!