Sunday, August 3, 2008

Brad's Reunion... To Go Or Not To Go... That is the Question

So Brad's 10 Year High School Reunion is at the end of this month and Brad and I are "discussing" what we should do about going...

So we're in TX and it costs $325 a ticket to go, we'd be there for two days total. Either just Brad can go or Brad and I and we pay for a babysitter for the weekend if we could possibly find one here, or we take the kids with us, resulting in four tickets.

What Would You Do?


Andi Sherwood said...

Don't go. Having been to both my husband's and my reunions, they are overrated and not worth the money if you have to fly.


J. said...

The old girlfriends never look as good, the food is not great, and the people you really want to see won't be there. Send some emails or (gasp) real letters to the folks you are interested in catching up with. Send me half the cash of the plane ticket and I will throw you a BBQ like you have never seen when you come up next. BooYah!

Olivia Heilmann said...

Just so you know...I am not going and I live here. $100 is just not worth it at this point and honestly I can't think of who would be there anyway (I assumed you guys weren't going)...I would have to look through the ole' yearbook to even know who was in our class, anyway. So, therefore, I am saving my $100 plus however much I would spend on a new outfit, etc. and am going to my friends Temple Sealing instead. Much better!

Esther Ogden said...

Hey Chica! Are you getting my emails? Let me know! =)