Monday, October 22, 2007

Something to Blog About

So here is a little questionaire for all of you to blog about since we haven't been doing well at writing in our blogs as much, this is an easy one for you all to fill out, just copy and paste and see if we can learn a little something more about each other.

When did you meet your husband? (Day? Month? Year? Event?) First Impression?
I met him at a Stake Dance, I had heard about him previously, he was a player, but he was pretty cute, and very suave. :) I think I was just barely 15, so that would be 1996. Don't remember what month. I could look in my journal, I know I have some entries in there.

When did you have your first kiss with your husband?
At the airport the day he came home from his mission, March 6th, 2001. We went back to the airport after he got released to pick up a friend of mine. His words before we kissed: "Are you ready?" I just laughed. I slipped him the tongue :)

Do you have a favorite/special song with your husband?
"I can love you like that" from John Michael Montgomery

Do your kids have special songs?
Abbie loves Twinkle Little Star, and they both love Lullaby (Lullaby and goodnight, in the sky stars are bright....) and Dublin's Fair City Mommy Style.

Would you rather talk on the phone or chat in person?
I'd rather email to be honest.

If you had one whole day to yourself, what would you do?
Get my hair done, go shopping, and read a book maybe.

Can you watch scary movies alone?
I'm not one for scary movies at all.

Is anything bothering you?
Finances a little.

Would you rather stay home all day, or be out and about?
I'd say stay at home so I didn't have to get ready and I could stay in my sweats but I'm much happier when I'm out and about.

Are you more likely to be with a large group of people or a few close friends?
~ small group

What are your plans for October?
~ Halloween stuff. Ward Activity, Trunk or Treating, Trick or Treating, Candy Candy Candy... my favorite month!

Cutest moment this week?
~ I'd definitely have to say last FHE, I'll fill you in on tomorrow's adventure :)

What are you doing this weekend?
~ Ward Activity, Birthday Party for a friend, and relaxing.

What is one fear that you can't seem to overcome?
~ Moths? Definitely hate moths.

Are you in a good mood?
~ yep!

What is your favorite thing to wear?
~ My Aeropostale Sweatsuit, anything comfy and warm.

You have 3 months left to live, what do you do?
~ Go on a lot of vacations, make movies and recordings for my family, make a will :) Prepare my family for my departure, and enjoy every day.

You're having a bad day, what's one thing that can make your day better?
~ My husband telling me its okay to have a bad day and giving me a hug and cleaning my house for me :)

If there was a way to know when and how you're going to die, would you like to find out?
~ I think I would, it'd be nice to prepare.

What is your favorite breakfast?
~ crepes or Kneader's Cinnamon French Toast... YUMMY!

Your phone rings at 4am, who do you expect it to be?
~ Andi, saying that its snowing.

What's your worst habit?
~ Being messy.


Andi Sherwood said...

Can I just say I am not ashamed to call my sisters in the middle of the night or while I am on the toilet. :) (It's an effective use of time.)

I also have to say: Really? You slipped him on the tongue on your first kiss?! As Grandma Gourdin would say: "Honestly!" You are a silly woman. :)

I love you, Baby.


Angel Brockbank said...

I forgot to mention that our song was chosen when I was 16, he picked it out and we danced in our formal living room in the big house. It was so sweet. I was kinda annoyed because I knew he could love me like that but the timing just wasn't right so I didn't like him that way at that time. I'm so glad it worked out! And that he still loves me like that!