Thursday, October 18, 2007

Family Home Evening

Alright, so Brad and I haven't been that good about Family Home Evening so last Monday we decided to start again with the kids and make sure we do it every week. We started off with our expectations and a short description of what FHE should be like, etc. So Brad read some scripture about having Order and such, and then we introduced job charts and rewards and stuff like that. Okay, so half way through the girls are wired and running in circles around and around and it was just crazy. Mark shows up with his girlfriend at the tail-end of FHE, just in time to see the funniest thing. So Tori just got a "tick-mark" (I'll explain in a second) for hitting the cat and she gets up and says to Abbie, "Hey, that's mine!" and pulls her barbie out of Abbie's hands. I don't think she realizes yet that Abbie is stronger than her, and they start a tug of war with poor Barbie. So they are fighting and poor barbies head pops off and sends both of them flying back with one piece of Barbie with them. Abbie seemed pretty satisfied with the result but Tori was mortified! All four of us adults were dying laughing, it was so funny!

Okay, so we have stickers for the kids to earn, but if they do naughty things they get tick-marks, and 5 tick-marks make 1 BLACK MARK! If they get three black marks in a week, they don't get their reward. It's a good idea and all, but Abbie could care less :) And there are so many stickers and such that I've really only done one day this week all the way, and Abbie ended up with a Black mark. So next week we'll re-evaluate and see how we can actually keep up with chart :) It's a good idea, it just takes a lot of convincing for me :)

I think that Tori got this dress from Nona's inventory, so forgive me for having see-through pajamas on her doll.


Andi Sherwood said...

That's funny. :) There is a stellar book out there for FHE for families with young children. It's 52 lessons. Each lesson is very short and to the point. Very effective for keeping FHE short and sweet. :)

Keep us updated on your charts. :)


Esther Ogden said...

Sounds like if Abbie and Tori were fighting in a court over who's baby it was that Abbie would be the one who would agree that cutting the baby in half would be a fabulous idea. There are so many important lessons to be learned in our day from the Bible. Thank you, Abbie, for reminding us what is really important in this life. =)

Esther Ogden said...

(Wow, what a dry sense of humor. I am turning into my husband...ahhh!

Esther Ogden said...

...and I need to go back to school to remember how to use parentheses correctly...)