Sunday, November 22, 2009

Pictures from School

So this year we had choices of poses and colors of backgrounds. I chose purple for each the same pose. I spent all this time doing their hair and picking out a shirt that fit their personality well. I did Abbie's hair all cute with these new bows that my sister made for her and then I get the picture back and she had taken them out of her hair and put the bows right behind her ears and they did a green background instead of purple. SO... thank goodness for retakes. Well, I wrote on the package that I want PURPLE, not GREEN, and low and behold, its still green... UGGGGHHHH. PLUS her smile is all fake, it looks like she doesn't have any teeth! That girl, my goodness. At least her hair looks cute, right?


Kalli said...

Haha! Those are CLASSIC school pictures. Actually, even better than classic. I have never seen colored backgrounds least with the green one you can super-impose a background, right? (Get it? It looks like the green screen that they use for the weather and stuff...)

The Morgans said...

I always think why do we need color black, Brown or white seem just fine. I get stressed out everytime.

The Morgans said...

For the scalp Try head and shoulders 1or2 times a month. or use a mint shampoo daily (Tea tree, rosemary mint..) and a good conditioner. You could use Olive oil on the scalp to massage in then brush before you have her get in the shower. it will loosen the dry stuff with out pulling out her fragile hair. make sure to condition her hair. Also make sure not to spray hairspray or gels directly on those areas. SOmetimes its the way kids apply there products that cause the dry area.

Esther Ogden said...

They are ALWAYS cute! I miss my little girls already. Abbie always runs up to me first thing and hugs me...I am feeling like an Abbie hug. =)

Andi Sherwood said...

They are still cute. I hate having to choose a colored background. Really, in who's house are those going to match? What ever happened to a black background with a light? Sheesh. They really are cute pictures of the girls though. :)


Beverly Jensen said...

They're adorable despite the color...I was thinking maybe in Texas they decorated with those colors? Those crazy Texans'!
How can I get "hard" copies for the scrapbooks? I'm working on your family one.

Derick and Becky said...

Your kids are so cute and grown up! Miss you guys!