Thursday, July 9, 2009

She's OKAY, Its just a BEETLE!!!

Speaking of Everything is bigger in Texas, I've been meaning to blog about the 4th of July. Last year was a train wreck, we never ended up getting able to see the fireworks. This year we got two nights straight of great location, great fireworks, a fun pool party, and loads of fun. I had a blogworthy moment however on the 4th of July. We were staked out on the lawn of a chase bank about 2 minutes left until the fireworks. It was dark, there were people and policemen EVERYWHERE. We're having a nice chat with our friends when all of the sudden, this DEATHLY SCREAM comes from MY CHILD of course. Yes, Tori is screaming like she's facing the grim reaper himself, it sounded like a siren, AHHHHH AHHHHH AHHHHH, almost steady like a siren, I think she had to breath in there, thus the quick pauses. I was thinking to myself, "WHAT THE HECK!?!" So I got up quickly of course and went over to where she was sitting to find out what caused her to create such a loud scene that EVERYONE was watching now, including the police men. It was a beetle. I picked her up, and she STILL continued to SCREAM! My instant reaction was to cover her mouth so as to mute the sound and then I realized that hundreds of people (and policemen) are now watching me holding up my child with my hand over her mouth as they are listening to muted screaming... I said loudly in my defense, "She's Okay, Its just a beetle!!!" And as I predicted, a quick chuckle was heard throughout the area, and we were back to business as the fireworks started. I'll tell you what, that child has a SET OF LUNGS!!!


Beverly Jensen said...

What differentiates a beetle from a cockroach?