Monday, July 13, 2009

Abbie is FIVE!!!

Here are some birthday highlights. We went to build a bear and medieval times, I gotta get back to work, but I thought I'd add these :) It took her about 5 puffs to blow out all the candles, but she did it. I told Brad she was only supposed to have 5 candles, but he wanted to go all out. I took these pics and videos with my new iphone :) Brad dropped my old one twice so I was forced to upgrade, bummer ;)


Jeni said...

Happy Birthday Abbie! We are so excited for you to start kindergarden! We love you!

Jenni McVey said...

Your girls are growing so fast! I can't believe that little Abbie is 5. Where did the time go?!?! It looks like it was a very fun birthday!