Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Abbie learned something new from her sister, many know as Finder's Keepers Losers Weepers... well, everytime Abbie finds something she says, "Keepers Finders." I just think that's so cute.

Another thing she's been saying is "Ohhh, but that'll take FOREVER!" The other day she was sent to her room because she was being very grumpy. She called to me from her room in a very sad voice, "Mom, when can I come out?" I called out, "When you can be happy." And her response? Yep, you guessed it, "Ohhhh, but that'll take FOREVER!"


Andi Sherwood said...

Very cute! I miss my Abbie-girl. :)

Jeni said...

So cute! Love ya Abbie my dear!

Olivia Heilmann said...

That is too funny. Julian's latest is "Ohhhh, Come On!" Where do they come up with this stuff? ;)