Monday, March 2, 2009

3 french ducks...7 geese a laying...

Well, we had 3 ducks in our lake, and now we have 7 geese as well! Abbie and I fed them this morning. They are AWESOME! I heard a goose honk outside and looked out my office window and 7 geese were all waddling their way to our lake! (Its more of a pond, but they call them lakes here in Dallas) They were just walking in from the street, it was kinda funny to see, so Abbie and I went out and fed them to welcome them to the neighborhood :)


Jeni said...

How cute! I am most impressed that it is warm enough for Abbie to be wearing a swimsuit! I think I just turned green!

Erin said...

I was just thinking the same thing about Abbie in that swimsuit! It's hard to even think of wearing a swimsuit while sitting in these temperatures. But when it came right down to it, I guess I wouldn't choose that and give up my white Christmases. I guess summer will come here eventually!

Beverly Jensen said...

I predict the waterfowl will be well fed while you are there.
Are we taking bets as to how long before the "no swimming" sign is ignored?