Thursday, January 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Love

This is Brad... First off, I want to thank all of you for the love and support that you give to our family. Angel and I have been so blessed in our lives to have so many dear and wonderful friends. As it is Angel's Birthday today, I thought that I would share a little bit of insight into the incredible woman that I have come to know, love and call my Best Friend.

There are not many single words in the English language that I could try to use to paint you a picture of how incredible dynamic and caring Angel is... In fact if a picture is worth a thousand words, then it would take me a thousand pictures to begin to paint her. Sometimes I catch her cuddled up on the couch just thinking about nothing, and she gives me her sheepish smile as her mind plants back on solid ground and my stomach flips as we laugh together about nothing.

My favorite thing in the world is to laugh with Angel. Nothing brings me more joy or peace than that. As a husband, she makes me feel so important and she always tries to validate me in my Crazy ideas... I am so lucky to have her.

As a person she is so giving... a while back she was leaving the mall and there was this lady pleading with everyone coming out of the doors to please give her a ride because her car was broken down and she had to get home to relieve her husband of the baby so he could go to work. Angel, despite all of her apprehension and possible judgements, kindly gave this lady a ride to her destination.

Another incredible thing about Angel is her capacity to be a friend... She dosen't care who you are, where you've been or where you are going. if you need a friend you can ALWAYS count on Angel.

Now Angel is not quite as strong as Starla from Napoleon Dynamite, I wont try to jade you there. But... Angel's inner strength is a force like a hurricane coming. She is the wind in my sails, and like the wind... she never expects an ounce back.

If it weren't for Angel, I'd probably be a homeless bum somewhere in Detroit... Why Detroit you ask?... I have no idea.

Angel... I'm not sure I am eloquent enough to express my true feelings for you...but if you could imagine that in the most literal sense that you make up over 90% of my heart without you I might as well be dead. I would have nothing to live for. I am more blessed than anyone I know, and its because of you.

I guess I haven't really accomplished the goal I set out to do, but I hope that I've at least stirred up some emotions of gratitude in your freinds hearts as they realize what a treasure they have in knowing you and being able to count you as a friend. I know it is my dearest treasure.

I love you with all my heart for ever and ever... And, I love you more plus one of anything that you say today!

Happy Birthday

-Bradley Dean-


Jeni said...

Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to you..
Happy birthday dear Angel!

I have a birthday greeting for you on my blog. I sure love you and wish you a fabulous day!

(Very sweet Brad!)

Morgan Family said...

Happy Birthday Angel! I hope you have a great day and get pampered! Looks like Brad is starting your Birthday day great! Love ya!

Olivia Heilmann said...

Yup! You paint an accurate picture, my friend! Happy Birthday, Ange.

Beverly Jensen said...

Happy Birthday, Angel. Your birth day was a joyous one for your Dad and I. We're blessed to be your parents! I loved the quote Brad expressed from his don't know how much your parents love you until you become a parent. Happy Birthday! mom

Hammy said...

Hope you had a great birthday.

Andi Sherwood said...

Very sweet, Brad. I agree with everything you said. :)

I love you, Baby!


Lori said...

Happy Birthday Angel. What a sweet message Bradley. It's fun to catch up on you guys, and it sounds like you are doing great.