Thursday, January 22, 2009


I was holding Abbie the other day in the kitchen, just enjoying her cute little personality and I said to her, "How come you're growing so fast, I want you to be a baby again." And she said to me, "No, I wanna be a teenager!" I had to laugh because I remember how much I wanted to grow so fast and be older than I was, and now, I've finally reached the point where getting older isn't as fun anymore. HOWEVER, I do like to look at each birthday as a celebration that I was blessed to live one more year with my sweetheart, so from here on out, aging is a good thing, because every year is one extra year I get to spend with my sweetheart... and children. I'm very blessed.


Olivia Heilmann said...

That is so cute and a great way to look at things... and by the way...Happy Birthday, tomorrow!!

The Morgans said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you have another great year. I woke up and actually remembered your Birthday. Hehe

Andi Sherwood said...

Very sweet. Be sure to tell Abbie that being a teenager isn't all it's cracked up to be. She'd be better off skipping forward to college. Now those were some good times. :)