Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What Next

Interesting thoughts by Angel:

As I read in my journal today, I looked back on my life thirteen years ago. I can't believe that I'm even old enough to say that! I remember feeling those feelings and living that life almost more than I remember what I did yesterday. Everything in life back then was a mystery to me. It was like the beginning of a movie that you are watching and you don't know anything about it. So you pay closer attention to understand the plot. I'm now in the middle o that movie, waiting for that change of events to happen. I've pretty much gotten to the point where I have all those things I wondered about (husband, kids, dog, cat, etc.) but now I feel like its that "What Now" portion of the movie. I look at that little girl who wrote about her childhood crushes and I don't feel like thats me. I feel like I'm reading about someone totally different. I guess we'll see what the next chapter brings. It's always a mystery. At least I know it'll be a happy ending, and I got what was important, a husband who loves me and children who will grow up to be like me. I just don't know how thirteen years went by so fast and my role in life is so extremely different. Its pretty weird.


Andi Sherwood said...

Isn't life funny that way!?! I've also learned that no matter how much plan "What's next," that isn't necessarily what's next. :) But, it keeps things interesting.


Olivia Heilmann said...

I like reading back in my journals, too. What a fun thing. I know that feeling well. Some of the things I wrote were just down right embarrassing. Some were inspiring. It's fun to see the things happening that I always dreamed about.

Mel said...

I love reading your blog. It really inspires me to keep mine updated more. I think I am doing a good job.
