Saturday, February 9, 2008

Its all the groundhog's fault

As most of you know, the Groundhog saw its shadow, which means that there are 6 more weeks of winter. I say who in the world made up this stupid thing. If the groundhog sees its shadow, that means its sunny, so why in the world would that mean more winter? I'd like to stick the ground hog under all this snow and ask him how it feels, tell him that I'm ready for some warm weather and tell him to stop being lazy and sleeping in his comfy little cave and come out and do something for this world, at least give us some warm weather!!!!!!!!!! My criminey. Okay, so I got that out. Now I can show you the pictures that Brad took of me today. I needed to share this with all of you to show you how extreme the winter has been this year. When you look at these pictures, PLEASE know that there is nothing under that snow except pavement at the bottom. The entire mountain is ALL SNOW, no dirt, no earth, no nothing, just SNOW! So as I stood in front of this huge mountain of JUST SNOW I realized that I am just ready for the summer. And for Andi (and Mom who doesn't read this) who all like snow, its better here than Washington ;p


Andi Sherwood said...

Hey, stop your whining (and bragging) about snow. :) If you didn't hog it all, maybe it would warm up and you could have some warmer weather!

Today I wore my sandals and went outside without a coat on. It was quite pleasant. :)


Anonymous said...

You are too stinkin' cute. I hate the snow with great passion so I am glad that it's you and not me.

And as kids went out in shorts and dug in the dirt. In fact they are still there. I for one am still cold! :) Oh well.