Thursday, September 6, 2007

Tori's Princess Birthday!

Tori got to go to the Salon and get a manicure and pedicure and got her hairstyled and makeup done. She looked so beautiful! Her daddy bought her some new clothes and a tiara at the jewelry shop. She felt like a pampered princess! She's so fun!

I was getting my toes done at the same time and I asked what color she chose for her nails... she chose BLUE! Can you believe they didn't ask me if that was alright? I couldn't believe that I paid them to paint my daughter's nails BLUE! So crazy. She liked them though, so I guess that is what matters?


Andi Sherwood said...

That is way too funny about her nails. :) I would not have been pleased either.

I am so glad she had a great birthday. You should take a picture of her in her wig and post it. :)

Happy Birthday Tori!


Esther Ogden said...

Happy Birthday, Tori! You sure have a nice mommy. Remember to do the same for her when you get big! Love you all!