Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Update, 12 weeks...

I'm 12 weeks now! Can you believe it? Next week I'll be in my 2nd Trimester! I'll post a picture soon when I have the energy to put on some makeup and do my hair :). I definitely have a little belly. I can't fit into any of my pants, at all. I'm doing the whole rubberband around the button thing but today I decided that I may have graduated from that, as it left a nice red indent in my belly today. Geesh! Thankfully my pants I ordered from target that are drawstring arrived today. Hallelujia! I really do hate this in between stage. Today I feel completely lowzy, but that's because I have a cold. For the most part I'm doing pretty well now. I can't walk around or stay on my feet for a long time, but it's not bad at all. I'll post pictures soon. I'm going to try to do pics every Sunday if I can start remembering :) And in case you wanted to know what we're having, still don't find out for sure (although I'm sure it's a boy) until December. Thanks for reading!


Olivia Heilmann said...

That in between stage is the worst!