Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Yep, I am. I'm Semi-Retired. I quit my full time/over time job and now I'm Semi-Retired. I never thought it would be a difficult transition but I struggled there for a few weeks. Trying to figure out what to do with my time. I started cleaning my house but that wasn't very fun, so I gave that up pretty quick. I did recently unpack my office, that feels really good because I can now reach my computer with my eyes closed without tripping over something. So that was really productive. I decided I should start doing our laundry instead of picking the "less dirty" out of the dirty pile, and that has helped our family hygiene immensely. For real though, I'm really enjoying being a Mom again. Being there emotionally for my kids when they get home from school. Helping them with their homework and interacting with them. It takes working full time to enjoy those little things that most get sick of after doing them every day.

It's cold and rainy today. High of 61, low of 47. I turned on the heater and oddly enough I love the smell of a heater that hasn't been run in 9 months. It's like the sure sign that Fall is here. If I could I'd go to Hobby Lobby and spend hundreds of dollars on Autumn decorations and decorate my house all up for Thanksgiving. I don't think we're going to do anything for Thanksgiving this year, just stay in Dallas. We recently went on a Cruise to Mexico with the whole family and my parents, and before that we went to Las Vegas and Cancun, just Brad and I. So it's been a super busy year, lots of traveling. So I think we'll stay close to home.

Now that I'm Semi-Retired I'm sure I'll get back into blogging, so feel free to check up on my blog again. I'll post some super cute pictures from Tori's Baptism on here soon. That was October 9th in Washington. I forgot we went to Washington in October too. Man, we've been all over the place! But it's been an incredible year!


Jeni said...

Sounds like things are going well! I bet it's a hard adjustment after living in the fast lane!! Hope you enjoy some peace. Sure love you.

The Morgans said...

Think of it as a new chapter to your journey. I love the Fall.