Friday, October 30, 2009

First Tooth

Victoria lost her first tooth last night. It took at least an hour for her to get up the courage to count to three. More videos coming soon. She had some great one-liners though, here's one of them...


Sally Barrington said...

"I can't live with out my tooth!"
She is too fun! I can't believe she's big enough to loose a tooth.

Beverly Jensen said...

Tori! That's so exciting to lose a tooth and then a new one grows back in. It's really a miracle how it happens. Have your mom help you find it online how the new tooth pushes out the old tooth. It's so cool!

Kalli said...

I can't wait until Nate gets home so I can show him that video. That is so sweet and so funny!

Olivia Heilmann said...

OH my goodness!! That was too precious!