Thursday, December 25, 2008

Santa Saga Part II


So it was worth all the lies. Tori is one of the biggest believers out there I think. She said, "I didn't think it was going to be a good Christmas this year, but now its the BEST CHRISTMAS of all time!"

She was VERY pleased with the presents and gifts and quite dissapointed in Santa for the Bratz gift. LOL.

So after the gift opening, Brad tells the girls we need to go give a gift to someone who is really in need (family tradition) and Tori says, "Daddy, I'm going to give my Bratz toy to Olive. (her friend from church)" I thought that was hilarious, she said she didn't want it, and she could give it to someone else. I assured her that Olive had plenty of toys for Christmas.

Last night Brad told the girls that an elf would come with Santa to wrap the presents while they were sleeping. I did such a poor job wrapping, I thought it was hilarious. Brad said that Tori would say that Santa's elves are bad gift wrappers. So this morning Tori says, "Santa's elf is not that good of a wrapper." I laughed quietly and went and told Brad who was in our room at the time. Do we know her well or what!?!

So anyway, the girls are pleased, and I'm totally stoked that we spent about $100 total this year for Christmas, and the girls are completely satisfied. PHEW! We pulled it off!


Jeni said...

That's so funny!

I guess you could say that I ruined Christmas for my siblings... When I was little I decided to be a brat and run crying to my parents that I knew Santa was not real. My mom was so bothered that she had lied that from then on she told all the kids the "truth" about Santa. I find it a harmless lie, but.... :)

Merry Christmas!!!

Olivia Heilmann said...

...and so it was!! I can't tell you how funny the first post was. We were laughing so hard we cried. Good job on a great Christmas!!!

Andi Sherwood said...

Yea! That is great the Tori wanted to give away her Bratz. What a good girl! I'm glad things went well and you avoided SPEW!


Unknown said...

wow! $100.00, that is impressive...but I have to say I am a sucker for Christmas and I want my kids to believe until they are 20!!!...okay at least 12-ish...I did and so did my siblings and I LOVED it! But I am still impressed with $100.00 on two kids...great job!

Derick and Becky said...

$100, way to go!