Monday, December 1, 2008

J Hilburn-The Perfect Present for Your Husband/Father/Brother/Son

In December we are doing a special for gift cards. We are offering a free tie for any gift card for a Brown Label Shirt ($99) or a Black Label Shirt ($149). OR a Free Men's Polo Shirt ($79 value) with the purchase of any gift card of 3 or more shirts. And as always, I can give you $20 off your first purchase :) So you can get your husband (or loved one) a custom tailored shirt that fits him perfectly for only $79.00 PLUS a free TIE (shipping and tax not included). We've got someone in Washington and Utah and a few other states that can get measurements if I'm unable to, we can work it out, these are great unique presents that your husband will be SO EXCITED to receive, and think that you put a LOT OF THOUGHT into getting him the best gift :) Merry Christmas!