Friday, November 14, 2008

Abbie's Growing Up

I can't believe she's over 4 years old now! I remember being in Washington and receiving a beautiful soft baby blanket as a gift from Shirley Morgan for Abbie. We swaddled her tight in it and used it very often. As soon as she was able, she started asking for it. Even before she could talk she'd start looking all over for it and get frustrated if she couldn't find it. As soon as she could start talking, she kept requesting her blue blanket. It took another year for her to realize it was green. She's loved the thing to pieces... literally. I found a piece of the fabric in her bathroom the other day. About 6 months ago I had to stop letting her take it to places because it was getting all ripped up. So Thank you Shirley, it was definitely the most used gift we were given by far! This morning as Abbie was making her bed and asked for her green blanket, I gave it to her, sat her down, and asked her if she'd like to go to the store and pick out new fabric so I could make her a new favorite blanket. She finally said, "Yes." She said, "This one is actually a little scratchy now." Since the middle part of it is exposed from the rips on the flannel, she's been cuddling up to that white scratchy padding stuff (can't remember the correct name). Anyway, so I hurried up and went to Walmart today before she changed her mind (I've been trying to replace the favorite blanket for about 6 months now). She decided to get a Blue Blanket, because that's Abbie for ya. She got blue puppy paw prints. And I found the coolest little handy sewing tool by Singer. I made this blanket in about 30 minutes maybe with all the cutting and sewing (I forgot the yarn needle, so we'll do that part later), its a handheld sewing machine that is actually all set up and ready to go (minus batteries) the second you open it. It was such a relief to not have to thread it and worry about all that sewing stuff. This is great for those who don't like to or don't know how to sew, definitely worth a try, and it was only $15!! So We're going to pack the green blanket away for her when she's my age and has a little one her age so she can look back. Good times :)


Olivia Heilmann said...

Blankets are wonderful friends that help us through some of life's toughest challenges. I am glad that she has such a friend. ...I have one too!

Esther Ogden said...

I like the new blanket, Ang! You inspired me the other day on the phone so Avery and I are going to put away her baby blanket and make her a new one as well. I can't believe my baby is moving on from her baby blanket. Can I cry now? =)

Morgan Family said...

Wow I am so impressed that she let you make her a new blanket. I am also impressed that you volunteered to do that for her. You are such a great mom! I can't believe how much she has grown up. By the way, I love your hair! :)

The Hammond Holler! said...

Hey guys! It's Traci (clark) hope you don't mind I got your blog from my mom. Your family is darling and it was good to read a bit of your blog and catch up on what you've been up to. Here is the link to my family's blog check it out and see the newest addition to our little family.


Sally Barrington said...

You did a great job! Go super mom! Love the new highlights!! Look'n good!