Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What Would You Do?

So when I got here in Dallas, schooling for Tori was the last thing on my mind. I was just grateful we found a place to live close to Brad's work. The school system here is so jacked up, its nothing like WA or UT, not even close. I didn't believe it until I saw it for myself. So here's how it works... people where I live are usually single, or don't have kids. Those that do, that are of my same ethnicity, seem to send their kids to private school. So the public schools have a ratio of about 97% hispanic and african-american, 1% white, and 2% other. I didn't think it would be THAT bad, Tori could learn Spanish, right? Well, I went to visit the school to check it out, and it was way worse than I thought. The halls smelled of urine, I only saw one white child in the entire school, and two white male teachers who looked really freaky and greasy, and I just can't imagine Tori going to a school like that...
So... I searched and searched, and all the private schools were either full or charged anywhere from $560-$900 MONTHLY (This is way higher than college tuition, for a kindergartner!). All the charter schools were full and laughed at me when I asked if they had room, until I found one. One private school was starting a charter school this fall (charters are free), so I thought, perfect! I'll get her in there, it'll be perfect, I was calm and collected and thought I'd figured it all out...

Well, I called this morning about the application and they notified me that they are no longer going to be doing the charter school in the fall because they don't have all their i's dotted and t's crossed with the school board and government to set it up for Charter School funding, and the earliest they'll be able to start it is in January!

So... here are my options:

Private School ($560 minimum)
Public School (in all its glory)
Home School (see below)

So I was originally thinking about doing home school all along, but now I am working at home doing data entry and need to be working about 5 hours a day, and so Tori going to school would be perfect. The problem I have with Home School is patience, and Abbie. I'm just not sure that Tori will get the education she needs at home... but would that be better than Public School? And what about the socializing? But do I want her to be socializing with those kids?

What do you think?


Jenni McVey said...

Hey, Angel, it's Jenni McVey! Here's my opinion. I'm a huge public school advocate, but I'm the first to admit that some schools have some issues. I would worry more about the teachers than the other kids. Where I taught, the "white" kids were much worse than other ethnicities. But you're a pretty good judge of character, so if you're worried, I'd follow your gut. As far as teachers go, were you able to meet the kindergarten teachers? Did you get to watch them teach and see how they and the children interact? If so, and you still feel apprehensive, I'd go home school for kindergarten. Tori can socialize at church and with Abbie. You can definitely work a schedule so that you can work and teach her too. There are a lot of great home schooling programs out there. And you have to remember that you'll be working with her one on one. So you won't have to teach her for 5 hours like a teacher in a school with 20-25 kids in a class. You can even break it up into different times of day too if you're disciplined. It will give you a year to save up to send her to a private school or find a different public school that you feel more comfortable with and/or the charter school option. Sorry this is a novel, but that's probably what I'd do. Hope this helps!!!

Morgan Family said...

Angel I agree with Jenni's suggestion. I would follow your gut on this one and make sure that she is safe. You can always teach her at home. If you do decide to send her to public school, make sure you feel comfortable with the school and teachers. Also I would see how Tori feels at the school as well and get her input. By the way, Justin is really excited to see you this weekend. Thanks for letting him come visit. Love ya!

Jeni said...

I am sorry to say that I do not have a brilliant solution. I will pray for you & your family to find a great solution, though. One tremendous solace is that Tori is so far ahead that she is probably ready for 1st grade right now. I know Heavenly Father has a plan for you guys and that a solution is on its' way, in the making, as we speak!


Emily Marie said...

I had the same concerns as you this last year. We are the minority in our neighborhood and that wasn't all that made me nervous, it was also what she would learn from her peers. She is also the only LDS member in her school. I was scared and almost didn't send her to kindergarten and then decided that I am not sure about me teaching her, as your thoughts were. We went ahead and registered and it has been great! I guess the only diffence is a big one and it is that I love her school! Miriam has been a great student and a good example to her peers. I believe praying about what to do and faith that what you teach her at home will make a difference at school and she will get a good education.

Angel Brockbank said...

Thanks guys! I'm leaning towards the public school, we'll have to see what happens. There's no way I'm paying college tuition prices for kindergarten, I did like her actual teacher. We'll see what happens, I'll let you know.

SkylineHIghClassOf2000 said...

i think it will be a great learning experience...hey I am Kristen Stakers sister in law...I have a quick question...what kind of data entry do you do and for what company. I am looking for a job like this. Can you give me any details...thanks a bunch...shannon_staker@ hotmail.com

Lindy said...

What a tough situation. I don't know what I would do except pray my guts out and I'm sure you've already got that covered. I thought Jenni Mcvey had lot's of good stuff to say, but actually they all did. I hope you can come to a conclusion you feel good about.

I'm still interested in a custom shirt for Jason. I'll contact you soon.