Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Lord Answers Our Prayers!

So I've been debating on how to go about writing about this experience, but I feel its important for me to do so, for a few reasons.

Friday morning I decided to kneel down and have a little talk with the Lord. More me doing the talking of course, but I decided it was definitely time to ask for some assistance that was well needed. I prayed for hope for the future. Something to happen that day to give us some hope because I was feeling pretty hopeless.

So Brad went to go to Utah County on his motorcycle to try to sell it. I stayed home with the girls doing pretty much nothing.

Around 1:00 in the afternoon, I heard a knock on the door. It was a friendly knock, sounded like Brad's knock. I was confused since I knew it wasn't him (he was in Utah County) so I answered the door. There was this random guy I've never seen before holding a bag. He had a weird smile on his face and said, "This is for you." I thought, now that's weird, why would a stranger give me a gift? I said to him kind of critically, "What is it?" He paused and said something like, "I don't know, I can't tell you, its from someone who wants you to have it."

At that point of avoiding my question, I realized all the sudden that I didn't know who this stranger was and had put myself at risk so I quickly took the bag, shut the door, and locked it. I think I said Thanks.

I got scared at that point, put the bag in the garage (just in case it was a bomb or had hazard material inside) and called Brad. Brad didn't answer. So... I decided to call the police.

Some of you might think I'm crazy, some of you might say, good for you. I had no idea what was inside it, stranger comes to my door with a "gift" but won't tell me what it is, I thought it was suspicious, and I am not ready to die. So I called the police.

So they came TWO HOURS later (longest two hours of my life besides child labor). I was scared the guy was going to try to break into the house or something, who knows, my mind went nuts thinking of different scenarios. So the policeman came opened it (away from his face) and kinda chuckled and said, "Its a gift card... and here is a note, you read it." He told me he was glad I played it safe though and that I should never answer the door to someone I don't know.

So long story short, someone was very generous to us last Friday and wanted to remain anonymous (I still have no idea who it is). I'm not only grateful for their generosity, but also grateful for my safety :) I'm grateful that more than once we have been blessed by people listening to the spirit and being so giving of themselves to us in a very hard time in our lives. Thank you, seriously.

I decided that next time someone is at the door, if I don't know who it is, I will not answer it. Not because I had a bad experience this time, but because I realized it really could have been a bad experience. I realized that maybe this happened because there might be a next time that could end up bad and I just needed to learn from a good experience not to answer the door for next time maybe.

So that night Brad and I went and filled our cupboards and fridge/freezer with well-needed food and we are so grateful. I realized that night as I reflected on the days events that I prayed that morning for some hope. The Lord Answers our prayers and is certainly thinking about us and has a plan for us.

Hopefully this all made sense. Thanks to those that have been so helpful, and don't answer the door to strangers :)

And to whomever it was that sent us that gift card, I'm really sorry that I was rude to the person who delivered it, I was just really confused and got scared. But Thank You!


Olivia Heilmann said...

Angel, that is an amazing experience. Thank you so much for sharing it with us all. Their is, in general, not enough hope in the world.

Especially when things aren't going 'as planned' I am glad to know that you had the opportunity to experience God's love for you. He knows, Ang, and it's going to be ok. It always work out in the end. It always does. Just keep praying and having that hope! I love you.

Libby said...

Thanks for sharing that experience. We all need reminders sometimes of how mindful the Lord is of our lives. Thanks for reminding me.

Andi Sherwood said...

Great post. :)

Lindy said...

Oh, that was nice to read of your experience. I, too, am grateful for people who are so in tune with the spirit. I'm so glad for you that you were blessed with...such a blessing through someone else who through the spirit recognized a need. I hope that I can be so in tune.

Jeni said...

That's wonderful. You guys are in our prayers.