Thursday, January 24, 2008

How Old Do I Look, Really?

Okay, so I had a birthday yesterday, it was quite fun. I love it when Brad has the day off and we can just have fun and go shopping and out to eat, it was a perfect day. Except at the end, I had 1 breadstick and one slice of pizza from Little Ceasars and I was sick the rest of the night! That sucked. But besides that, I had a blast. I got some adorable boots, a new purse, (I finally moved from the diaper bag to purse, woo hoo!), some hats, some jeans, and a few other things. Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to ME!!!! I told Brad that I'm not a child anymore, I'm heading towards middle age! I remember when Jason Sherwood (my brother in law) said he was 27 and I thought, wow, he's getting up there. Thats almost 30! So here I am, and I feel still like I'm 20. However, I go over situations that I was in in high school and I just think, "Wow, if I would have known what I know now, I would have told that kid to take a hike." Or something to that effect, but I think to myself, "How come I didn't?" And I realize, I'm maturing. I'm getting older, I'm understanding life and what's important and all that fun stuff, and that in and of itself shows that I am getting older. Even if I feel like I'm 21, and frankly, still look like I'm 21. I know I'm getting older cause I can admit I didn't know a whole lot back then :)


Andi Sherwood said...

You look beautiful. :) You look more mature than 21 but I would say you top out at 24. :) You look amazing for 27.

I am glad you had a good birthday. I love you tons!


Esther Ogden said...

You look great, Angel! Honestly, how many women can say they are still the same jean size they were 10 years ago? You're looking great, babe!

Jeni said...

Kudos! You are a beauty! Love, Jeni