Monday, November 5, 2007

China Doll

So Tori is on a new "Chart System" where she puts up stickers for chores and "tick marks" for doing naughty things or disobeying. So she earned a baby doll. She wanted Amazing McKayla, but I didn't realize that a baby doll could cost $80.00!!! So sweet Victoria told me she could get a different doll because she didn't want to make me buy her something expensive. I about melted! So we found a GREAT doll that Tori says is "even better" than Amazing McKayla. This doll was a $7.88 special at Walmart with all the accessories that she has somehow managed to keep in a ziploc bag and not lose! It's a doctor one where she has measles and they disappear if you rub them. Anyway, so Tori is learning to read and she saw some letters on the doll. She started reading it and she comes to me and says, "Mommy, what does that say?" I helped her read it and said, "China." I kinda snickered. She said, "What does that mean?" I said, "Your baby is from China." And snickered again. She said, "WOW! All the way from China!" So today she went to play outside with a friend of hers that is our neighbor and she said, "Guess what?! My baby is from China!" I just thought it was so cute, its so AUTHENTIC! eheheh.


Andi Sherwood said...

Very cute, and very sweet that she was willing to choose a different one. :)


Olivia Heilmann said...

Yeah! Thanks for sharing your blog with me. I have enjoyed sitting here updating myself on your life. ;) I look forward to reading more fun and crazy things. Keep it up!