Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Life is still changing, every day :)

Well, just so you all know, we are pretty sure that we are not moving to Saint George anymore, I think we're going to stick with Utah Valley. There is a great school here we'd like to try to get Tori into, and Brad's job is going really well. Going to Saint George would kind of ruin all the great things that have happened in the last 4 months or so. Anyway, sure love you all!


Esther Ogden said...

What about your house? What are you enjoying so much about Utah Valley? I hope you find much happiness wherever you choose to be! =)

Andi Sherwood said...

So why didn't you call and tell me the news? This is the first I heard about that.

I am glad Brad's job is going well though. :)

I love you, Baby!
